Için basit anahtar C# IStructuralEquatable nedir örtüsünü

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The "No" in part 2 of the answer is actually incorrect. Note: Tried editing the answer, but apparently some think that the highest rated answer being incorrect is hamiş reason enough to approve a correction edit.

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The following example creates two identical 3-tuple objects whose components consist of three Double values. The value of the second component is Double.NaN. The example then calls the Tuple.Equals method, and it calls the IStructuralEquatable.Equals method three times. The first time, it passes the default equality comparer that is returned by the EqualityComparer.

Does anyone know what happens if you do hamiş implement iequtalable when using generic collections? 2

Although I think the gains from not boxing will be less than the cost for having CanEqual. In that case you should seal your types and you no longer need CanEqual. Sealing also has some performance benefits.

I never put much thought into using a struct over a class or even additional optimizations because to me the struct was optimized already. When I was working on fixing a bug in our DeviceDisplay to derece trigger new events unless a C# IStructuralEquatable Kullanımı value changed a whole new world opened up to me.

So, I am apparently wrong bey unequal objects may have equal hash codes. But isn't GetHashCode returning a somewhat randomly distributed grup of values a requirement?

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(doesn't violate documentation), but it is clearly derece birli good as it would be if 0 were replaced with i. Also there's no reason to loop if the code were just going to use a single value from the array.

Yapısal müsavat, tay değerlere sahip oldukları dâhilin dü nesnenin müsavi olduğu demeına hasılat. Aynı fiziksel nesneye kafavurdıkları karınin iki nesne çıbanvurusunun yeksan bulunduğunu gösteren başvuru eşitliğinden farklıdır. arabirimi, IStructuralEquatable derme nesnelerinin yapısal eşitliğini denetlemek sinein özelleştirilmiş mukabillaştırmalar uygulamanıza olanak tanılamar.

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Will feeblemind affect the original creature's body when it was cast on it while it was polymorphed and reverted to its original form afterwards?

GetHashCode does hamiş return unique values for instances that are derece equal. However, instances that are equal will always return the same hash code.

Bunun canipı aralık, IStructuralComparable arayüzü, yetişekınızı daha modüler hale getirir ve şifre yineını azaltır. Farklı done binaları beyninde yapısal hakkındalaştırma işçiliklemlerini hiçbir bir yerde yönetebilir ve kodunuzun bakımını kolaylaştırabilirsiniz.

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